Are you experiencing a decrease in the efficiency of your photovoltaic system? Have your energy bills suddenly increased? Have you noticed abnormalities and unusual behavior of the system, such as mechanical damage or strange sounds? Have breakdowns become more and more frequent? We are here to help you! We will carry out a thorough audit of the existing PV system, which will not only help to identify the source of problems, but also assess the quality of execution and possible installation defects.
During the audit, we carry out the following tasks:
We develop a repair program on the basis of a comprehensive audit of the photovoltaic system, and then proceed with system service and replace defective components.
A thorough inspection of the PV system in the form of a post-installation audit and regular technical service ensure trouble-free operation at full efficiency, which translates directly into maximum profits. Inspection of the PV system is mandatory once every 5 years, in accordance with the construction law. Failure to comply with mandatory inspection requirements may result in frequent breakdowns and technical issues, decreased performance and shorter lifespan of the system, and even potential risks such as fire or electric shock. Based on many years of experience, we know that an annual inspection is the best course of action. It allows to detect possible defects, react quickly and repair damaged elements, so you can be sure that your photovoltaic system works correctly, safely and at maximum efficiency.